Deaf-Centric Performing Artists Retreat

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts

Embark on a transformative journey in the serene mountains for a unique three-week retreat. Deaf artists from across Canada, immerse yourselves in a relaxed theatre creation space.

Accommodations & More:

  • Comfortable cabin stay

  • Flight expenses covered

  • $2,000 artist fee

  • Catered meals

 Accessibility Upon Requests Available:

  • ASL/LSQ Interpreters

  • DeafBlind/Protactile and/or Interpreter/Intervenor

  • Written Language into Sign Language transcription

  • Daycare Services

Embarquez pour un périple transformateur dans les montagnes sereines lors de cette retraite unique de trois semaines. Artistes sourds de partout au Canada, plongez-vous dans un espace détendu de création théâtrale.

Hébergement et Plus :

  • Séjour confortable en cabane

  • Frais de vol couverts

  • Honoraires d'artiste de 2 000 $

  • Repas fournis

Accessibilité sur demande :

  • Interprètes en LSQ/ASL

  • Services pour les Sourds-Aveugles/Protactile et/ou Interprète/Accompagnateur

  • Transcription de la langue écrite en langue des signes

  • Services de garde d'enfants


  • Landon Krentz


    Landon Krentz is a bilaterally profoundly Deaf artist who is completely bilingual in American Sign Language (ASL) and English. As a Deaf artist, he brings a unique perspective to his roles as Director of Artistic Sign Language and an ASL performer for theatre.

  • Alexandria Wailes


    Alexandria Wailes, an award-winning performer and advocate, has worked extensively in theater, TV, and film. She collaborates with top companies like Deaf West Theatre and serves on several arts boards, championing Deaf and disability rights. She is a proud member of AEA, SAG-AFTRA, and SDC.

  • Michelle Bank


    Michelle A. Banks, a native of Washington, DC, is an award-winning actress, writer, director, producer, motivational speaker, and teacher. She has taught deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing children K-12 for over 30 years in performing arts and American Sign Language (ASL).