The Erratics
Indie Arts Club
Rock On at Calgary’s New Art Venue operated by Inside Out Theatre
Why The Erratics Indie Art Club?
The Erratics takes it name from erratic rock formations, those massive glacial boulders dropped on the prairies eons ago. They are strange and remarkable and out of place amongst the typical rocks. They’re also not going anywhere. The Erratics Indie Arts Club will be that home for indie artists and all of us looking for where we fit in.

Settling In, Standing Out
After six wonderful years at Eau Claire Market, Inside Out Theatre is thrilled to announce the establishment of The Erratics Indie Arts Club, marking a significant milestone for Calgary’s Deaf, Disability, and Mad theatre company.
“When I walked into the space for the first time, I knew the search was over,” says Artistic and Executive Director Col Cseke. “Instantly, I started imagining all of the amazing, beautiful, and weird shows Calgarians would get to experience here.”
With more than double the size of their previous venue, Inside Out Theatre is working to build not just a home for themselves, but a place that truly belongs to the indie community.
Cseke adds, “The indie arts community is resilient and generous and also where the most boundary-stretching creative work happens. We don’t have the privilege of high-powered board members or the money to hire lobbyists to push for funding, as the Legacy Arts organizations do. Our power is really felt when we come together, and I’d love for The Erratics to be that gathering place.”
Construction is underway to improve the venue’s accessibility before Inside Out launches a season of programming at The Erratics Indie Arts Club in September.
How You Can Help
Inside Out has a few ways Calgarians can help make this a reality:
Join The Community of Do-Gooders: Inside Out’s gaggle of supporters coming together with small monthly donations.
Support Construction and Renovations: Reach out if you’re able to support the construction and renovations in any way.
Stay Updated: Join the Inside Out Theatre mailing list and follow them on socials to hear about the amazing events planned for the next year.
Support Local Arts: Last but not least, support your favourite Calgary indie arts company!

“At IOT, we believe in the power of community and compassion. Together, we are making a tangible difference in the lives of those who need it most. Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to our mission." –
— Usman Hashmi, Chairman of IOT.